


All OmniTAG™ products connect to any     TAG-X™ wireless charging station (many to many).

TAG-X™ works with any type or size battery to universally charge all carts and MME.

Universally stand up your OmniTAG™ platform by simply upgrading your existing and standardized wall protection already installed in your hospital. Horizontally elongated bed guard and rail products - offer opportunity based decentralized charging, as well as vertically mounted guards and rails for specific or centralized charging locations.

NexTAG™ cloud based software oversees all products at all locations and offers various groupings, mapping, script, and data such as available, charging, charge current, temperatures, cycles, lead times and more.



All products are easily monitored from anywhere for redundant safety.

TAG-X™ offers variable charge currency via NexTAG™ software. Charge big and small batteries fast or slow as the hospital IT department deems appropriate, or simply automate with NexTAG's own charging data analytics. Collect all data for all carts and MME to provide real time operating intelligence for battery health and performance through customized product, vendor, department or site analytics. Let NexTAG™ analytics will charge fast or slow, few amps or many amps based upon the battery health data being collected of not only it's own charging cycles, but the cumulative data intelligence of all your battery charging cycles.

Longer lasting batteries delivers quick financial savings of labor and product for replacement batteries (modular or standard), and demonstrates this with historical or real time data and new cord-free environments of care propelling hospital sustainability goals.

No more cords, outlets, swapping batteries, rechargeable batteries laying around, wiping down cords, replacing cords, or mounting wall battery banks for recharging said modular and swappable batteries.

No more moving parts, it's really that simple.



All big and small power draw products communicate with all TAG-X™ opportunity locations, making scaling your OmniTAG™ intelligent care platform infinitely scalable.

Mobile medical equipment patient monitors, vital signs monitors, beds as well as workstation computing carts, workstations on wheels (wow's), medication carts and more are all compatible. The platform size can just as easily support 10 carts in a single site department, or scaled to 10,000,000+ carts and MME across an entire network of 100+ hospitals.

The OmniTAG™- intelligent care platform meets hospital performance demands of today, and safety and workplace efficiency goals of tomorrow.

OmniTAG™ - makes nurses safer, more efficient, and able to deliver better patient care. Let’s cut your cord together!

How It Works

Step 1: Nurses roll their cart to any wall near the TAG-X™ logo

That's it - there are no more steps!
TAG it close to the Wall, and "X" Marks the spot!

Choose your “Powered by TAG-X™” application!

TAG your hospital carts

TAG your OEM Carts

TAG your Mobile Med Equipment / Device

OmniTAG™ - intelligent care platform

OmniTAG™ provides hospitals and enterprise healthcare facilities with a powerful ecosystem that wirelessly charges ALL their mobile medical equipment (MME), optimizes battery health, and aggregates data. The universal  standardized platform consisting of software (NexTAG), hardware (TAG-X), and service (Platform as a Service - PaaS), liberates hospitals to be vendor agnostic, as any mobile medical equipment, device, cart or workstation  compatible with OmniTAG™ works seamlessly, wirelessly, and without any moving parts or clinical touchpoints.


Power your clinical staff's mobility, safety and efficiency with infection prevention friendly, contactless charging for their medical / workstation carts, OEM carts, mobile medical equipment (MME) and mobile devices.

A multi-year study of various charging technologies resulted in TAGCarts selecting a proven low-frequency Resonant Magnetic (MR) technology charging tens of thousands of drones and AGV's (Autonomous Ground Vehicles) world wide. The research highlighted our technology for being the safest (patient environment of care areas), and for being dramatically superior in angular misalignment allowance.

TAG-X™ does not require physical contact. Optimal target charging rates and efficiencies occur when the receiver (cart) and transmitter (rail) are within 7.5 cm (3 in.)

The name "TAG-X" embodies the single step charging technique of nurses"Tagging" a cart to the wall where "X" marks the spot.

Our evidence-based design process led to integrating our technology into existing healthcare infrastructure, wall protection. Made to protect greater than 1000 lbs. of impact, one technology is protecting the other. Together, the TAG-X™ technology is the very same wall protection currently lining your hospital walls.

Integration includes a simple upgrade of your existing wall protection products, with our "Upgrade Kits" turning your existing hospital guards and rails into NexGen TAG-X™ SmartRails.

Coming soon are future workflows beyond charging we call "Apps." As our healthcare clients provide clinical feedback, we will offer a la carte and bundle "Apps" which can be upgraded via our cloud software (NexTAG) and downloaded to firmware in the SmartRails.



NexTAG™ is your dashboard and cockpit for the OmniTAG intelligent care platform. Cloud based proprietary software enterprise licensees are able to register, monitor, configure, and manage devices across many locations. Charging and fleet analytics provide historical and real time data that may be exported in Excel® / Sheet file, chart, and graph. Comparing side by side data with like or similar device and batteries empowers hospitals to compare and contrast their many powered device vendors; sun-setting the non-performers while consolidating to the performing ones.

Upload department or hospital wide maps and floors, layouts, or utilize Google­­ Maps® to gain powerful geographical data analytics to view infinite TAG-X™ charging locations and powered by TAG-X™ devices.

With a quick glance of any TAG-X™ charging icon, NexTAG™ provides power transfer, battery voltage, battery current, target current, and temperatures for transmitter and onboard charging unit. To see more charging statistics select a cart, equipment, device, TAG-X™ charging location, or a group or fleet thereof and select the analytics tab.

Our cloud server is SSL encrypted and HIPPA compliant with the highest level security protocol ensuring data protection,  functionality, and 24/7 uptime. Reporting may be manually pulled from anywhere with could access or scheduled for standardized or repeating automation.

We are currently scheduling live virtual learning webinars with interested and innovative healthcare facilities. Please contact us here to receive upcoming NexTAG™ webinars and seats available.



Nell Moroney, RN - ER Nurse New Mexico, USA

"Love the TAG-X wireless charging! I seek the TAGCarts out over the old corded carts because they're just easier and make my workflow smoother. If anything I'd love to have more locations for charging, Lov'em!"


Reuven Singor, M.D.-ER Physician New Mexico, USA

"The wireless charging wow's are superior to corded or desktop workstations not only because of the mobility and fast response, but the ease and speed of parking the wow for charging."


Forest Bello, BSN, RN - ER/CDU Nurse New Mexico, USA

"Reliable, convenient, easy to use, and saves my back!"



"The wireless charging wow's are superior to corded or desktop workstations not only because of the mobility and fast response but the ease and speed of parking the wow for charging.”

- Reuven Singor, M.D.-ER Physician New Mexico, USA


"Love the TAG-X wireless charging! I seek the TAGCarts out over the old corded carts because they're just easier and make my workflow smoother. If anything I'd love to have more locations for charging, Lov'em!”

- Nell Moroney, RN - ER Nurse New Mexico, USA


"Reliable, convenient, easy to use, and saves my back!”

- Forest Bello, BSN, RN - ER/CDU Nurse New Mexico, USA

"Nurses are concerned about spreading disease, infecting ourselves, bringing it home and affecting our loved ones. Nursing during COVID-19 is definitely a unique experience. If you need an alcohol wipe, glove or other PPE, its there in the HEROCart. You can safely and conveniently take care of your patients and you're ready to go.”

- Melissa Jordan, California Registered Nurse

“A big thanks to TAGCarts® for their kind donation of the HEROCarts. As they say, “crisis breeds innovation” and innovation provides a simple path solution for the greatest good. Contributions such as this are vital to Gila River Health Care’s mission of delivering unsurpassed yet safe medical care to our Community,”

- Dr. Wes Yamada, Interim CMO (Chief Medical Officer) and Chief of Surgical Services, Gila River Health Care

"The State of California is thankful to TAGCarts® for their generous donation of 250 HEROCarts to be used at our medical facilities.  These items will be deployed to support Californians as we respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

- Abigail Browning, Chief of the Office of Private Sector/NGO Coordination, CAL OES

“From an infectious disease standpoint, you want to cut down on shared items and keep everything separated. That cross contamination is a very big concern throughout the medical community. Having HEROCart single patient use carts assigned to one patient and one nurse, will go a long way in disease prevention and limiting the spread."

- 10+ Year Registered Nurse, Roseville, CA

"We are very grateful to receive the TAGCarts donation of disposable bedside HEROCarts! The carts are easily mobile and allow our nurses to take them where ever they are needed.  We placed the carts in the hallways for stocking of PPE outside the patient rooms, making it easier for nurses to obtain and don the PPE they need to keep themselves and the patients safe.  We also placed them inside the patients’ rooms for patients to store needed personal items within reach of their beds.  The carts also came with a supply of single use masks and gloves. That is a great bonus as they are easily disposed of between patients to help prevent the spread of infection."

- Susan Kelly, CNO (Chief Nursing Officer), Gila River Health Care

“HEROCarts are a great example of invention and coming out right when we need them. Having biodegradable, disposable carts available for pop-up hospitals in Sacramento is a really clever and a needed asset.

Taggart Neal leads with his seems like he's going to go far with TAGCarts. I think all great CEOs are evangelicals, because a big part of anybody participating in a business is because the leader is committed and how much they care about it has to come through with how they present it.”

- Barry Broome, CEO, Greater Sacramento Economic Development Council (GSEC)

"HEROCarts serve a great purpose of holding our patient's personal belongings or keep extra linens at the bedside, so we can take care of the patient without interrupting our patient care or having to step out and go to another cart to get it.”

- 35+ Year Registered Nurse, Oakland, CA

"Conaway Ranch is grateful for the opportunity to join Taggart Neal and all those who support HEROCarts which help the men and women on the front lines of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Thank you all and God bless the men and women who use HEROCarts and put themselves in harm's way to protect the rest of us.

- Kyriakos Tsakopoulos, on behalf of Conaway Ranch based in Woodland, CA

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