TAGCarts offers disposable medical equipment


TAGCarts was recently featured in The Lumberjack, Northern Arizona University’s Student Voice Since 1914, for aiding communities in Northern and greater Arizona with HEROCarts, pre-kitted single-patient use medical carts kitted with PPE, to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Veteran Owned Business TAGCarts™ Pivots to Respond to COVID-19

VBOC - Veterans Business Outreach Center

Veteran Owned Business TAGCarts™ Pivots to Respond to COVID-19 to keep nursing healthcareheroes safe in pop-up field and hospital surge capacity with low cost pop-up isolation, bedside, and PPE Medical Carts and Workstations made in California and ready for on-demand rapid deployment. Veteran Entrepreneur success story, California USA.

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